What is our loyalty program all about?
Shop with us and earn points that can be redeemed for flat discounts off your order! It’s our way of saying thank you to our loyal customers!
How does it work?
Start by registering an account here. All purchases made under a registered account will be rewarded with redemption points. You get 1 point per dollar spent with us. Points are automatically accrued and stored in your account every time you buy something. E.g If you spend $50, you’ll get 50 points
Points have no expiration date, every point earned is yours for life!
Once you’ve accumulated enough points, you can redeem them for hefty discounts! We’re currently offering a redemption rate of $3 for every 100 points. (Get $3 off your checkout total for every 100 points redeemed)
There are no limits to how many points you can redeem at once. E.g. You can use 1000 points and get $30 off a single order